Nicht Fisch, nicht Fleisch (German proverb, free translation: Neither Fish, Nor Meat), each 170 × 60 × 15 cm, cloth, wadding, metal clamps, 2021
installation view: sestiere di venecia, Venice, exhibition in public space, 2021, concept: Jaq Lisboa, curator: Jaq Lisboa and Jana Doell
all photos: Jaq Lisboa, see more:
Nicht Fisch, nicht Fleisch (German proverb, free translation: Neither Fish, Nor Meat), each 170 × 60 × 15 cm, cloth, wadding, metal clamps, 2021
installation view: sestiere di venecia, Venice, exhibition in public space, 2021, concept: Jaq Lisboa, curator: Jaq Lisboa and Jana Doell
all photos: Jaq Lisboa, see more: